Thursday, February 27, 2020

Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Diversity - Essay Example People who are extroverts and like to experiment with different things are fond of diversity. They like to interact with people from different cultures, understand their unique norms and values, and make friends with them. Many even go to the extent of marrying across cultures where they not only have to put up with the diversity of cultures, but also the diversity of races in terms of their mixed race children. However, good-natured as these people are, they know how to draw a balance between the two cultures and make a happy living. On the other hand, there are people who are negatively affected by diversity of race and culture. These people are chauvinists and fanatics by nature. They like to have only people of their own race and culture around them, whether it is their neighborhood or their workplace. They tend to draw a line between themselves and people from other races and cultures, considering themselves superior to others. They do not let others cross that line with them bu t often cross it themselves only to insult others in some way e.g. racism, bullying etcetera. Such opponents of diversity tend to have dysfunctional conflicts with their peers from other races and cultures in the workplace also, thus making it difficult for the immigrants and foreign workers to settle down in their country. Such people also have a tendency of making groups and run campaigns against the foreigners informally on such grounds as culture and religion. The way diversity affects an individual is fundamentally related to the impression of diversity in the eyes of that individual. Diversity affects me in many positive ways. I am a sort of person who is very welcoming toward new ideas, things, and aspects. I feel blessed to have been born in an age when there is so much diversity around me. I like to meet with people from different cultures and races. I am fascinated by the variety of ways in which they interact with one another, their unique cultures, styles of living, cuis ines, norms, values, trends, and traditions. I like to put in this effort to understand them and make myself understood to them so that we form positive impressions of each other. Diversity, to me, is a way of understanding God. I am overwhelmed with joy to think and realize how diverse God has created this world. There are people of different shades of brown and white, and each color is so beautiful and admirable. People can be identified with their origin just from their facial features which is great. Out of my love for diversity, I have started learning Arabic language, though I have to go a long way for that. I am fascinated by Indian weddings in particular. They are so different from our weddings. While our brides dress in white traditionally, Indian brides dress in all sorts of vibrant colors and exotic designs. I like dancing to Bollywood songs with my friends occasionally. I have many friends from different countries. I enjoy interacting with them and like the way they try to speak English in their native accents. It gives me pleasure to help them find the right word to express their emotions and meanings as they speak. I particularly like Chinese cuisine a lot. I ask my Chinese friend for the favor of cooking a Chinese recipe on my birthday and present it to me as a gift. I also cook something from my cuisine and gift

Monday, February 10, 2020

ECONOMICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

ECONOMICS - Essay Example So, for example, when Americans receive more income from their overseas investments than foreigners receive from their investments in the United States, American GNP will be somewhat larger than GDP in that year. If Americans receive less income from their overseas investments than foreigners receive from their US investments, on the other hand, American GNP will be somewhat smaller than GDP ( Equivalent estimates of GNP (or GDP) produced in a given year may theoretically be arrived at through at least three different accounting approaches, depending upon whether the transactions that determine the prices of final goods and services are looked at and tallied up by focussing on the buying or by focussing on the proceeds from selling or by focussing on the nature of the products themselves. Using the expenditure approach, you can estimate total GNP as the sum of estimates of the amounts of money that are spent on final goods and services by households (Consumption), by business firms (Investment), by government (Government Purchases), and by the world outside the country (Net Exports). Using the incomes approach, you can estimate total GNP by summing up estimates of the different kinds of earnings people receive from producing these same final goods and services: (Plus certain adjustments to account for wear and tear on productive assets like plant and machinery -- depreciation -- and what are called indirect business taxes). Using the product or output approach, you can estimate GNP by summing up the output of all the various organizations producing goods and services in the country, subtracting out the costs of their raw materials to avoid double counting and making suitable adjustments for depreciation and for the value of imports and exports. (Butt 2002, Kopecky 1995) (In theory, all three